Monday, May 27, 2013

Reading: Not as leisurely as it used to be

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Back in the day, in a time when having a horse pull a carriage is called “technology,” boys and girls, and a whole lot of men and women, spent a great deal of time and resources on books. Books were, at that time, the number one source for entertainment and knowledge, and at that time, many people have been immortalized because of their written works.

Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. In an article published by The Guardian, it is reported that the number of children who read on their own time for leisure has gone down drastically from the last reported figure in 2005. Now, only three (3) out of 10 children prefer reading books over all the other alternative activities, wherein in 2005, four (4) out of every 10 would pick up a book for entertainment. Now although the figures may not look much, there is a considerable shift in percentages, especially when the research is based on a study of more than 21,000 children.

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Champions of education such as Greg Roberts or David Charlow would definitely be the first to encourage more children – and even adults for that matter – to pick up books over the television’s remote control, or mobile phones, for good, clean fun; however, in today’s world where technology is within anyone’s reach, it is very easy to get side-tracked and choose the latter rather than the former.

Books, whether physical or electronic, are readily available to everyone. It is high time for the love of books to come back to the world.

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David Charlow, as a student affairs professional and an academic advising expert, may be able to offer more information about books (scholastic or otherwise), and how these affect a learner’s progress. This Facebook page for him would have more information on the matter.