Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advanced skill sets: Employers prefer degree holders

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Although many people say that a bachelor’s degree is no longer relevant in today’s employment market, many companies are in fact searching for workers who are college graduates. Advanced skill sets are required in all types of white collar business. Most employers believe that degree holders are more likely to exude more developed abilities than those who just finished high school.

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Many college admission experts have observed that the wage gap between workers who have a college degree and those who do not has been growing for the last few decades. In the late 1970s, the median wage was 40 percent higher for college graduates than for people with no more than a high school degree. Today, the wage premium is around 80 percent.

Indeed, many well-known billionaires are college dropouts. But for the record, their number is relatively small when compared to successful professionals who have actually earned a college degree or higher. The wage premiums of workers can be attributed to the ever-changing nature of jobs in America, where work responsibilities have already gone far from simple execution of office duties to acquiring large webs of global networks.

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For employers, a bachelor’s degree is an indicator of drive and talent. Hence, they normally throw keen reception toward hiring degree holders. This is proven true by the study conducted by Burning Glass, a company that analyzes job ads from thousands of online sources, ranging from major job boards to small and midsize employer sites. According to Matthew Sigelman, the company’s chief executive, most of today’s employers are now requiring college degrees for positions that did not traditionally require higher education.

David Charlow is a college admission expert who has been working in the education sector for 20 years. Know more about college education and its significance to employment by visiting this website.